الجمعة، 22 يناير 2010

أسئلة وأجابتها 2

How many of each of the following molecules are produced in each step of cellular respiration: ATP, NADH, FADH, and CO2? Please include glycolysis, transition reaction, Krebs cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation.

Glycolysis yields a total of 4 ATP, 2 pyruvates, and 2 NADH molecules. However, since the cell needs to make an initial investment of 2 ATP, it is generally considered that glycolysis only yields 2 ATP, 2 pyruvates, and 2 NADH.

The transition reaction yields 2 molecules of carbon dioxide, 2 NADH, and 2 acetyl Co-A molecules.

Krebs cycle contributes 4 more carbon dioxide molecules, 6NADH, 2 FADH2 and 2 ATP.

Oxidative phosphorylation produces 34 more ATP.

What organelles and regions of the cell are involved in cell respiration?
There are three parts to cell respiration, each of which take place in different areas of the cell. The first stage, glycolysis, takes place in the cytosol (the liquid part of the cytoplasm). Glycolysis breaks glucose molecules down into smaller ones of pyruvate. Then the pyruvate moves into the matrix of the mitochondrion, where the Krebs cycle takes place. This creates chemical energy. The energy is released in the third part of respiration, which takes place along the inner membranes of the mitochodria.
Why do some organisms survive in salt water but not others?

Over the course of millions of years, marine life has been evolving to adapt to the high salt content, temperature and light conditions of the oceans. These adaptations depend on the type of marine life. Animals such mollusks, have hard outer shells that protect them from predators, high concentrations of salt, and water erosion. Keen eyesight is an important adaptation for an octopus. In order to catch food in the dark and deep parts of the ocean, they must be able to spot food quickly. Marine mammals also have special adaptations for survival in saltwater. Mammals in the oceans are warm-blooded; their body temperature is regulated to be higher than the temperature of the ocean water. In addition, seals and manatees must decrease the amount of energy and breathing capacity used, in order to dive deep in the ocean. Lastly, reptiles that have evolved to live in saltwater, such as the sea turtle, have harder shells and feet designed for swimming. These organisms are found in tropical and temperate oceans, but there are also organisms that can survive even the harshest of saltwater environments. Halophiles, small microbes, can live in environments up to 10 times more saline (salty) then the oceans. The Great Salt Lake, in Salt Lake City, Utah, is home to these organisms. The salt content in the Great Lake is so high that you can actually walk on salt flats. Understandably, these microbes have very specific adaptations.
How CO2 and H2O get to the photosynthesising cell?

There are many different types of cells. Many animals have skeletons to give their body structure and support. Plants do not have a skeleton for support and yet plants don't just flop over in a big spongy mess. This is because of a unique cellular structure called the cell wall. The cell wall is a rigid structure outside of the cell membrane composed mainly of the polysaccharide cellulose. The cell wall gives the plant cell a defined shape which helps support individual parts of plants. In addition to the cell wall, plant cells contain an organelle called the chloroplast. The chloroplast allows plants to harvest energy from sunlight. Specialized pigments in the chloroplast (including the common green pigment chlorophyll) absorb sunlight and use this energy to complete the chemical reaction:

6 CO2 + 6 H2O + energy (from sunlight) = C6H12O6 + 6 O2

In this way, plant cells manufacture glucose and other carbohydrates that they can store for later use.

I hope this answers your question, I was not sure what you were asking. For more information check the links below and maybe read about the Calvin cycle.
How is sugar made by photosynthesis in a plant cell?
Sugar is made through photosynthesis by a chemical reaction within the plant’s cell. Photosynthesis takes place in the chloroplast of a cell. Light is absorbed into the cell by chlorophyll which is located in the chloroplast (an organelle in a plant cell.). The chemical reaction that produces sugar is powered by the sun’s energy. Carbon Dioxide, CO2, is absorbed by the plant through the stomata (small openings on the underside of the plants leaves) and water, H20, which is absorbed through the root hairs are combined together in a chemical reaction, which produces glucose, or the sugar that plants use for energy. The chemical formula for the process is 6CO2 + 6H2O (+ light energy) =C6H12O6 + 6O2.
What are the differences and similarities between the carbon cycle and nitrogen cycle and how can we identify them?
Similarities: Both of these are biogeochemical cycles,meaning that the chemicals spend a portion of the cycle in living things (hence the bio) and a portion in the nonliving environment (geo). They are also similar in that they both recycle nutrients that are essential to all organisms. Finally, they both move from the soil into plants via the roots, and then to animals through ingestion, and they can be returned to the environment via decomposition.

Differences: They are different in the manner that they cycle. Nitrogen gas is quite abundant (78% of the air around us is nitrogen). It cannot be used by plants or animals in its gaseous form though. In order for it to be useful, it has to undergo nitrification (Nitrogen gas being changed into a usable form). This is carried out by bacteria that live in nodules on the roots of some plants (like beans). Once the nitrogen is used by the plant and makes its way to an animal, it can be released through decomposition or urination. Once it is back in the soil, another type of bacteria cause denitrification, which turns it back into nitrogen gas.

Carbon, on the other hand, requires no special processing by bacteria prior to plants and animals being able to use it. Plants take in carbon dioxide and use it to make sugar. Animals eat this sugar and incorporate it into their body. Some of it is released as the carbon dioxide that we exhale.


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