السبت، 23 يناير 2010

clinical pharmacology quetions

Clinical Pharamcy section

Question # 41: For tranducer mechanism which of the following acts as effectors

A) Enzyme

B) Ion channel

C) Carrier protein

D) Any of the above

Question # 42: G protein coupled receptor function occurs via

A) Adenylyl cyclase

B) Phospholipase

C) Tyrosin protein kinase

D) Any of the above

Question # 43: Atrial natriuretic peptide acts through

A) Adenylcyclase

B) Guanylyl cyclase

C) IP3

D) Calcium channel

Question # 44: Potassium channel is involved in all actions except

A) Adrenergic Alpha2

B) Adrenergic Beta2

C) Dopamine D2


Question # 45: Hormones acting via CAMP activation are all except


B) Angiotensin


D) Glucagon

Question # 46: Which of the following is receptor function

A) Signal amplification

B) Propagation of regulatory signals

C) Integration of extra cellular & intracellular regulatory signals

D) All of the above

Question # 47: Receptor down regulation is particular with


B) Adenylyl cyclase

C) Tyrosine protein kinase

D) Guanylyl cyclase

Question # 48: Therapeutic affect declines with increase in dose beyond a certain amount in case of

A) Clonidine

B) Glipizide

C) Imipramine

D) All of the above

Question # 49: Which factor is more decisive in choice of a drug

A) Potency

B) Efficacy

C) Toxicity

D) All equally

Question # 50: Ephedrine & theophylline combination improves which effect

A) Vasoconstriction

B) Bronchodialation

C) Respiratory stimulation

D) All of the above

Question # 51: Potentiation occurs with all the following drug combinations except

A) Levodopa + benzerazide

B) Sulfonamide + trimethoprim

C) Glucagon + insulin

D) MAO Inhibitor + tyramine

Question # 52: In a young child t1\2 is shorter for

A) Theophylline

B) Phenytoin

C) Carbamazepine

D) All of the above

Question # 53: Apnoea is often a danger with usual dose of

A) Ketamine

B) Succinyl choline

C) Gallamine

D) Pancuronium

Question # 54: When creatine clearance is 10-30 ml\min, the dose of drug like digoxin be reduced by

A) 2 times

B) 3 times

C) 4 times

D) 1\2 TIME

Question # 55: Spot the wrong statement

A) Imipramine can cause urinary retention in BPH

B) Myasthenics are very resistance to curare

C) Antipyretic don’t reduce temperature in normal person

D) Schizophrenics tolerate more dose of phenothiazine

Question # 56: Spot the correct statement

A) Aspirin potentiates diuretic action of furosemide

B) Phenothiazine potentiates therapeutic action of levodopa

C) Propranolol induces dangerous hypoglycemia in those taking sulphonyl urea

D) Furosemide lessens ototoxicity of amino glycoside

Question # 57: Regarding tolerance spot the correct statement

A) Tolerance occurs only to euphoric & analgesic action of morphine

B) Tolerance occurs only to sedative action of phenobarbitone

C) Tolerance occurs only to sedative action of chlorpromazine

D) All are correct

Question # 58: Idiosyncratic reaction to drug is due to

A) Higher dose

B) Wrong route of adminstiration

C) Wronf combination

D) Hereditary predisposition

Question # 59: Serum sickness is which type of immunological reaction

A) Type I

B) Type II

C) Type III

D) Type IV

Question # 60: Photo toxic reaction is specially common with

A) Tetracyclines

B) Minocycline

D) Chloramphenicol

C) Doxycycline

The Answers are as the following

Answer # 41: The answer is (D) , all the above

Answer # 42: The answer is D

Answer # 43: The answer is B

Answer # 44: The answer is B

Answer # 45: The answer is B

Answer # 46: The answer is D

Answer # 47: The answer is C

Answer # 48: The answer is D

Answer # 49: The answer is B

Answer # 50: The answer is B

Answer # 51: The answer is C

Answer # 52: The answer is D

Answer # 53: The answer is B

Answer # 54: The answer is B

Answer # 55: The answer is B

Answer # 56: The answer is C

Answer # 57: The answer is D

Answer # 58: The answer is D

Answer # 59: The answer is C

Answer # 60: The answer is D

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