الاثنين، 8 فبراير 2010

Aplastic /Hypoplastic Anemia

Definition :
Reduction in hemopoietic tissue (not a consequence of bone marrow fibrosis or infilteration ),
resulting in peripheral blood cytopenia .
Basic features:
There are two fundamentall different types :
1predictable,often reversible hypoplasia:
a) Usually a consequence of ionizing radiation and / or cytotoxic drugs, dose dependent
b) Affecting the rapidly dividing maturing hematopoietic cells rather than the
pluripotent cells .
c) Repeated or prolonged therapy may deplete the sten cells.
often ivrreversible hypoplasia:
a) Primary "idiopathic" or secondry to an idiosyncratic reaction to drugs or viral
b) Mainly due to hematopoietic stem cell defect / damage .
c) Sometimes related to an autoimmune or changes in the microenvironment of stem cells.
1Reduction in hematopoietic tissue and increase in fat spaces of the marrow.
2Deficient cell production, usually reflected firstly on granulocyte and platelet counts.
3Typically development of pancytopenia.

a) Drug ingestuion (other than anticancer drugs):
1Antibiotic: chloramphanicol, sulphonanides.
2Antiinflammatory : phenylbutazone, gold.
3Antiepileptic : hydantion.
4Antidiabetic : chlorporpamide,tolbutamide.
b) Exposure to chemicals:
1Viral: specially viral hepatitis(autoimmune reaction).
2Bacterial: mainly tyberculosis.
Laboratory investigations:
a) Hematological:
(1) CBC:
normochromic anemia.
Granylosytopenia (< 1.5 X 10 9 /L).
(2) Bone marrow (aspiration and biopsy):
May reveal blood tap.
Hypocellular,widening of fat spaces.
Iron srores are increased especially in multitransfused patients.
(3) Hb F may be increased
(4) Plasma iron often increased, TIBC is normal or decreased and % saturation is increased.
(5) Plasma 55 Fe clearance is prolonged and utilization for Hb synthesis is reduced.
Course and prognasis:
3 of cases: Rapid progression to death .
3 of cases: Chronic cytopenia →death within a year
3Spontaneous partial or complete remission.
Special Types of Aphasia
1Fanconi's anemia:
· Hereditary, autosomal recessive.
· Anemia is macrocytic, presenting before the age of 5years
· Associated with cytogenetic anomalies e.g. skeletal defects, skin pigmentation.
· Poor prognosis.
2Associated with paroxysmal nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH)
· PNH usually develops a variable time ofter marrow hypoplasia due to emergence of
mutant stem cell clone.
· Alternatively, an episode of hypoplasia may occur in a patient who has PNH with
3Red cell aplasia:
Selective depression of the erythroid series.
a) Blackfan –Diamond syndrome:
· Congenital, macrocytic anemia.
· Present typically within the first year.
· Spontantaneous remission, responds to corticosteroids.
b) Acquired:
i) Acuteaplastic
crisisin hemolytic anemia and postinfection, may respond to folic acid.
ii) Chronic ·
Majority assoicated with thymoma or SLE.

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