A heterogeneous group of malignant neoplasm of the precursors of blood cells
resulting in appearance of blastcells in the blood and bone marrow.
It is unknown but theories are implicated:
o Ionizing radiation.
o Drugs and chemicals; prolonged chemotherapy and immunosuppressive agents,
benzene and its derivatives.
o Genetics; familial incidence, chromosomal abnormalities in leukemic patients.
o Retrovirus.
o Immune status; increased incidence of immunosupressed individuals.
FAB classification of acute Ieiikemia depending on morphological and cytological
Now the diagnosis of acute leukemia based on morphology, cytochemistry,
immunophenotyping and cytogentic.
a)Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL):
Cytochemistry: MPO: Negative, PAS : Positive
Immunophenotyping: Bcell marker ( CD19, CD20 and CD22 ),
Tcellmarker ( CD2, CD3, CD5, CD7 )
Cytogentic: t(8;21), t(8;14)
FAB classification
o LI (small homogenous blasts)
o L2 (large heterogeneous blasts)
o L3 (large homogenous blasts).
b)Acute non lymphoblastic leukemia (ANLL)or (AML)
Cytochemistry: MPO: Positive, PAS : Negative
Immunophenotyping: ( CD13, CD33 ) and others
Cytogentic: t(15;17 ) in M3 and other cytogentic abnormalities in diefferent FAB Classification
FAB classification
o Ml: Acute myelobla~tic leukemia without maturation.
o M2: Acute mycloblastic leukemia with maturation.
o M3 :Hypergranular promyelocytic leukemia.
o M4:Myelomonocytic leukemia.
o M5:Monoeytic leukemia.
o M6: Erythroleukemia.
o M7: Megakaryocytic leukemia.
Clinical Features of acute leukemia:
o ALL is common in children while ANLL is common in adults
o It is of acute onset with pallor, fever, various infections.
Bone tenderness.
o Mild hepatosplenomegaly.
o Enlarged lymph nodes (in ALL).
o Infiltration of organs (in M4 and M5).
o Meningeal and testicular infiltration in ALL.
o Symptoms of hyperviscosity (due to increased blasts).
o Bleeding tendency in M3.
Hematological findings:
o Severe anemia (normocytic normochromic).
o WBCs; usually increased, but may be within normal or even below the normal range..
o Blood film; blasts are present or absent as in aleukemic leukemia.
o Thrombocytopenia.
o B.M.; hypercellular and infiltrated with blast cells (>20%).
o Biochemical fmdings:
· Increased serum uric acid.
· Increased serum LDH.
N.B.: By treatment with chemotherapy (< style="font-weight: bold;">Lymphoproliferative Disorders
o It is a group of both malignant ( clonal ) and reactive ( polyclonal ) lymphoid disorders.
o It includes:
1. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
2. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
3. Prolymphocytic leukemia.
4. Hairy cell leukemia.
5. Plasma cell leukemia.
6. Non Hodgkin's lymphoma.
7. Large granular lymphocytosis.
8. reactive lymphocytosis.
o The above mentioned disorders are either :
1. B – cell disorders.
2. T cell disorders.
3. MK cell disorders.
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
o Affect older people ( > 50 years old )
o Male predominance.
o Diagnostic criteria :
1. Peripheral blood : absolute lymphocytosis > 5.000 / mm 3 usually > 10.000 /mm 3 .
2. Bone marrow: lymphocytosis > 20% of total bone marrow cells.
3. Mature B – cell markers ( CD19, CD20, and single type light chain ).
4. Express CD5.
5. Certain karyotypic abnormalities.
6. Hairy cell leukemia.
o Age > 50 years.
o Male prodominance.
o Characterized by : splenomegaly / pancytopenia.
Diagnostic criteria :
1. Megaloblastic cell have fine hair – like cytoplasmic projection.
2. Cytochemical stains : tartrateresistant acid phosphatase positive.
3. Clonal disorders of mature B – cell markers ( CD19, CD20, sIg, and its specific
markers CD103 / CD 11c.
Plasma cell dyscrises:
o It is a groupe of disorders characterized by expasion of a single clone of
Immunoglobulin – selecting cells.
o Resultant of increase in serum level of a single homogenous Ig or Ig chain
o It includes:
1. Multiple Myeloma.
2. Solitary Plasmocytoma.
3. Waldenstom's macroglobulinemia.
4. Heavy chain disease.
5. Primary Amyloidosis.
6. Monoclonal Gammopathy of undetermined significance.
Multiple Myeloma
o Criteria for diagnosis of plasma cell myeloma:
1. Major criteria:
· Bone marrow plasmocytosis > 20 % (provided clonal markers either K or L)
· Plasmocytosis on tissue biopsy.
· Monoclonal globulin sipke on serum electrophoresis (> 3.5 gm / l for IgG /
2.0 g / L for IgA and > / g / 24 hrs for kappa or lambda light chain excretion in urine )
o Minor criteria :
· Marrow plasmacytosis 10 – 20 %
· Lytic bone lesion.
· Monoclonal globulin spike less than defined in mejor criteria.
· IgM, IgA or IgG decreased.
Myeloproliferative disorders
o Related hematopoietic stem cell malignancies – classified by lineage as following:
1. Chronic myeloid leukemia ( CML ) predominanthy myeloid.
2. Polycythemia vera ( pv ) predominanthy erythroid.
3. Essential thrombocytobenia ( ET) platelets.
4. Myelofibrosis with myeloid metaplasiafibrosis.
5. Myelodysplasia.
6. Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinurea
7. Dysplastic anemias
o Middle aged – eldery individual
o Chronic process – More indulent than acute leukemia
Chronic myeloid leukemia
Diagnostic criteria:
o Pripheral blood and bone marrow: increased total leukocytic count more than 50.000
with immature myeloid cells, basophilis and eosinophilis
o Decresead leukocytic alkaline phosphatase.
o Unique chromosomal abnormality philadelphia chromosom which is reciprocal
translocation t(9;22) resulting in bcr / ab / gene fusion.
Polycythemia rubera vera:
Increased erythrocyte cell mass lead to increased hematocrit blood volume and blood viscosity
with subsequent thrombotic or hemorrhagic problems.
Primary criteria:
o Increased hemoglobin / Hematocrit 18 gm / d1 in men and 16 gm in women or red
cell mass increase ( > 36 ml / kg in male and > 32 ml / kg in female )
o Normal arterial oxygen saturation.
o Palpable splenomegaly
o No other explenation – renal disease, hypocia, tumours …
Secondary criteria :
o Leukocytosis (> 12.000 / mm 3 )
o Thrombocytosis (> 400.000 / mm 3 )
o Abnormal marrow karyotyping
o Elevoted leukocytic alkaline phosphatase
o Elevoted serum β 12 / transcoblamin
Diagnosis of polycythemia vera is usually mode by presence of all primary criteria with
some of secondary criteria.
Myeloid metaplasia ( myelofibrosis )
o Abnormal stem cells leads to deranged hematopoietic cells (esp. megakaryocytes )
which stimulate fibroblast.
o Originally agnogenic ( etiology unknown ) with myeloid metaplasia ( extramedullary
spleen )
o The natural history is in two phases
· Initial cellular phase
· Progressive bone marrow faliure / fibrosis
o Diagnostic criteria
· Diamorphic blood picture with pancytopenia or not depend on the phase.
· Bone marrow biopsy show increase reticulin and collagen.
· Biggest spleen in medicine.
Essenthial thrombocythemia:
o The increased blood plateletes leads to episodicsymptoms: Bleeding thrombosis,
unrelated or acute leukemia in < style="text-align: center;">
A heterogeneous group of malignant neoplasm of the precursors of blood cells
resulting in appearance of blastcells in the blood and bone marrow.
It is unknown but theories are implicated:
o Ionizing radiation.
o Drugs and chemicals; prolonged chemotherapy and immunosuppressive agents,
benzene and its derivatives.
o Genetics; familial incidence, chromosomal abnormalities in leukemic patients.
o Retrovirus.
o Immune status; increased incidence of immunosupressed individuals.
FAB classification of acute Ieiikemia depending on morphological and cytological
Now the diagnosis of acute leukemia based on morphology, cytochemistry,
immunophenotyping and cytogentic.
a)Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL):
Cytochemistry: MPO: Negative, PAS : Positive
Immunophenotyping: Bcell marker ( CD19, CD20 and CD22 ),
Tcellmarker ( CD2, CD3, CD5, CD7 )
Cytogentic: t(8;21), t(8;14)
FAB classification
o LI (small homogenous blasts)
o L2 (large heterogeneous blasts)
o L3 (large homogenous blasts).
b)Acute non lymphoblastic leukemia (ANLL)or (AML)
Cytochemistry: MPO: Positive, PAS : Negative
Immunophenotyping: ( CD13, CD33 ) and others
Cytogentic: t(15;17 ) in M3 and other cytogentic abnormalities in diefferent FAB Classification
FAB classification
o Ml: Acute myelobla~tic leukemia without maturation.
o M2: Acute mycloblastic leukemia with maturation.
o M3 :Hypergranular promyelocytic leukemia.
o M4:Myelomonocytic leukemia.
o M5:Monoeytic leukemia.
o M6: Erythroleukemia.
o M7: Megakaryocytic leukemia.
Clinical Features of acute leukemia:
o ALL is common in children while ANLL is common in adults
o It is of acute onset with pallor, fever, various infections.
Bone tenderness.
o Mild hepatosplenomegaly.
o Enlarged lymph nodes (in ALL).
o Infiltration of organs (in M4 and M5).
o Meningeal and testicular infiltration in ALL.
o Symptoms of hyperviscosity (due to increased blasts).
o Bleeding tendency in M3.
Hematological findings:
o Severe anemia (normocytic normochromic).
o WBCs; usually increased, but may be within normal or even below the normal range..
o Blood film; blasts are present or absent as in aleukemic leukemia.
o Thrombocytopenia.
o B.M.; hypercellular and infiltrated with blast cells (>20%).
o Biochemical fmdings:
· Increased serum uric acid.
· Increased serum LDH.
N.B.: By treatment with chemotherapy (< style="font-weight: bold;">Lymphoproliferative Disorders
o It is a group of both malignant ( clonal ) and reactive ( polyclonal ) lymphoid disorders.
o It includes:
1. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
2. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
3. Prolymphocytic leukemia.
4. Hairy cell leukemia.
5. Plasma cell leukemia.
6. Non Hodgkin's lymphoma.
7. Large granular lymphocytosis.
8. reactive lymphocytosis.
o The above mentioned disorders are either :
1. B – cell disorders.
2. T cell disorders.
3. MK cell disorders.
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
o Affect older people ( > 50 years old )
o Male predominance.
o Diagnostic criteria :
1. Peripheral blood : absolute lymphocytosis > 5.000 / mm 3 usually > 10.000 /mm 3 .
2. Bone marrow: lymphocytosis > 20% of total bone marrow cells.
3. Mature B – cell markers ( CD19, CD20, and single type light chain ).
4. Express CD5.
5. Certain karyotypic abnormalities.
6. Hairy cell leukemia.
o Age > 50 years.
o Male prodominance.
o Characterized by : splenomegaly / pancytopenia.
Diagnostic criteria :
1. Megaloblastic cell have fine hair – like cytoplasmic projection.
2. Cytochemical stains : tartrateresistant acid phosphatase positive.
3. Clonal disorders of mature B – cell markers ( CD19, CD20, sIg, and its specific
markers CD103 / CD 11c.
Plasma cell dyscrises:
o It is a groupe of disorders characterized by expasion of a single clone of
Immunoglobulin – selecting cells.
o Resultant of increase in serum level of a single homogenous Ig or Ig chain
o It includes:
1. Multiple Myeloma.
2. Solitary Plasmocytoma.
3. Waldenstom's macroglobulinemia.
4. Heavy chain disease.
5. Primary Amyloidosis.
6. Monoclonal Gammopathy of undetermined significance.
Multiple Myeloma
o Criteria for diagnosis of plasma cell myeloma:
1. Major criteria:
· Bone marrow plasmocytosis > 20 % (provided clonal markers either K or L)
· Plasmocytosis on tissue biopsy.
· Monoclonal globulin sipke on serum electrophoresis (> 3.5 gm / l for IgG /
2.0 g / L for IgA and > / g / 24 hrs for kappa or lambda light chain excretion in urine )
o Minor criteria :
· Marrow plasmacytosis 10 – 20 %
· Lytic bone lesion.
· Monoclonal globulin spike less than defined in mejor criteria.
· IgM, IgA or IgG decreased.
Myeloproliferative disorders
o Related hematopoietic stem cell malignancies – classified by lineage as following:
1. Chronic myeloid leukemia ( CML ) predominanthy myeloid.
2. Polycythemia vera ( pv ) predominanthy erythroid.
3. Essential thrombocytobenia ( ET) platelets.
4. Myelofibrosis with myeloid metaplasiafibrosis.
5. Myelodysplasia.
6. Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinurea
7. Dysplastic anemias
o Middle aged – eldery individual
o Chronic process – More indulent than acute leukemia
Chronic myeloid leukemia
Diagnostic criteria:
o Pripheral blood and bone marrow: increased total leukocytic count more than 50.000
with immature myeloid cells, basophilis and eosinophilis
o Decresead leukocytic alkaline phosphatase.
o Unique chromosomal abnormality philadelphia chromosom which is reciprocal
translocation t(9;22) resulting in bcr / ab / gene fusion.
Polycythemia rubera vera:
Increased erythrocyte cell mass lead to increased hematocrit blood volume and blood viscosity
with subsequent thrombotic or hemorrhagic problems.
Primary criteria:
o Increased hemoglobin / Hematocrit 18 gm / d1 in men and 16 gm in women or red
cell mass increase ( > 36 ml / kg in male and > 32 ml / kg in female )
o Normal arterial oxygen saturation.
o Palpable splenomegaly
o No other explenation – renal disease, hypocia, tumours …
Secondary criteria :
o Leukocytosis (> 12.000 / mm 3 )
o Thrombocytosis (> 400.000 / mm 3 )
o Abnormal marrow karyotyping
o Elevoted leukocytic alkaline phosphatase
o Elevoted serum β 12 / transcoblamin
Diagnosis of polycythemia vera is usually mode by presence of all primary criteria with
some of secondary criteria.
Myeloid metaplasia ( myelofibrosis )
o Abnormal stem cells leads to deranged hematopoietic cells (esp. megakaryocytes )
which stimulate fibroblast.
o Originally agnogenic ( etiology unknown ) with myeloid metaplasia ( extramedullary
spleen )
o The natural history is in two phases
· Initial cellular phase
· Progressive bone marrow faliure / fibrosis
o Diagnostic criteria
· Diamorphic blood picture with pancytopenia or not depend on the phase.
· Bone marrow biopsy show increase reticulin and collagen.
· Biggest spleen in medicine.
Essenthial thrombocythemia:
o The increased blood plateletes leads to episodicsymptoms: Bleeding thrombosis,
unrelated or acute leukemia in < style="text-align: center;">

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